



"For me, art is everything - from paddock to paint."


Hi, I am Rosie.

I love capturing my unique life on my small farm with my animals. I live with my Mum and little Brother. Once a fortnight, I go to my Dad’s and have an old pony there. I have always had an artistic streak in me from my Mum and Great-Grandparents. When I was 3 or 4 years of age my Mum passed me my first paints and brushes.

I started creating paintings outside under a willow tree. The animals, bold colours and unique personalities inspired me. I have shared my life with them. 

Like me, my animals are bold and fun and just a bit strange. My hope and intention is to capture these moments in my daily life.


Meet the Animals

What's On

Keep an eye on what's happening at the farm and beyond. We'll keep you updated on any current and future exhibitions of Rosie's work in and around Hobart and beyond.

We've also got some exciting things happening in the background which will hopefully share very soon. So, make sure you subscribe to our newsletter to be one of the the first to find out about what's going on.

poodle at exhibition

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